Ever heard of a platform named Quora, it must be familiar to you, well because it simply got 300M visitors every month, so there is a big chance that you are one of them, or your friend, that came to you and shared it with you, anyway, Today here is the answer to your question guy, how I got that huge audience on Quora, with more than 70K views per month, and how I use my audience for affiliate marketing.
So to make a long story short, I am going to split my strategy into 5 parts:
- why Quora is so special
- how the process of generating money works
- why do I see this website differently from other people
- how we can blend Quora with affiliate marketing
- how the process work

What is Quora, and what is the difference between this platform and the others?
Okay, first thing first, Quora is a website on the internet(has no direct relation with affiliate marketing) to be more precise, it is a social media platform, where people talk together like any other platform(Facebook, LinkedIn). Now the only difference between Quora and the others, is that it is a place to ask and be answered, so people ask question and get answered by others, depending on their niches, so the main difference is that Quora like, has a direct conversation, a direct message between people, it is more an interaction place in my opinion, so people talk to each others directly.
Now what I mainly see from this website?
Now people and new users will see, like I mentioned before, Quora a typical normal place for chatting and Q&A, now what I see is a place where you can show to people your value, and how much you know in your niche, and how much you have experience and knowledge in your niche, which mean building trust between you and people.
How you are going to make money from Quora and affiliate marketing?
Now you are not gonna open Quora every day and see your earnings in Quora, you are not gonna make money directly from Quora, this is not the partnership program, we are going to use Quora, this is called organic traffic, organic traffic is using other social media platforms or websites traffic and drag it to you.
Now how the hole process works?
Okay without further blabbing, to start with milking Quora, first you need to create a profile in Quora, like any profile your name, little bio about you, a pretty looking photo, and that is it, now second thing to do, starting a space, a space is like a group, like Facebook group, but in Quora. Quora space is really important in Affiliate marketing, because you can be using it as a landing page. Create it professionally, you can be naming it depending on your niche, or the same as your website name, put like a good bio, and let your photos be attractive, and change it every period of time, changing is really good, and the old photo may not be really liked by people, so you are changing it anyway. Okay now, we arrived to your new routine, the Q&A, ok, first thing first, start by searching for questions that are related to your niche, like we are going, from now on, take an example, like in my case, my niche is digital marketing, so lets say, I am going to search digital marketing, like in this photo here, select questions so you answer them, and select them from the past week or month, even a month is long, so the question are still new, and people will see them for sure, like an old answer from two years got a lot of answers, and the owner got the answer long ago and don’t need yours anymore, so be smart with these things.

So start by answering people, with full value, give them all you know, write your answer from your hole heart, look brother, in answer scams are directly detected, and truth also, be kind, show love and true help and care in your answers, so people will truly thank you. Now for the first week or two, don’t put any referring link or website link in your answer, show them that you are here for true help and not for recruiting audience, and in this period of time, start posting some of your website posts in your blog, in a way that attract viewers to see your website.

Now as you see in this photo, this is like a post from my blog, I put the most important and attractive objective in Quora, and put links of my blog in keywords, like in here I used YouTube as a keyword. so like this I am referring my blog from my space. Now with to promote your space, and here is where you must concentrate the most, you need to start inserting some links, in your answers, links who are your posts from your space, and giving all value, but just promote your post and your space, even you can mention in the end, like check out my space for more information, or for more tips.

Now as we can see in this photo, I answered this guy with full help, as you can see I always start with ‘Hello brother’ so he feel more comfortable with me, and also you can see the keyword that I used, these all are link from my space, and even I mentioned my space down there, so to get a chance of getting a follow, or at least to be familiar with my space. And with time, you will be more and more popular, and people will come to you and ask you, they will request your answer

As you can see in this photo, these are people who are requesting especially my answer, to get value
Some tips and tricks
- try avoiding to answer question who have a lot of answers, like 100 or 30 or 40, because you are wasting time, the owner got a really low possibility to see or even concentrate on your answer.
- do not always put links in your answers, when you feel like their are no need do not put, because a lot of links will actually lower your traffic.
- post everyday like at least one or two posts in your space, like create them or you can repost, like in my case:

I post them on my Instagram, and in my space, everything that pops up in your mind, right it, of course something related to your niche, nothing that special.
- And finally, questions that are requested to you, and you aren’t able to answer it, don’t answer, say like sorry I don’t know, but do not answer a scam.
- Never ever try and put your affiliate link directly in the answer, you will get banned.
- Use Canva free or pro to create your blog templates, thumbnails and designs
Thank you so much for reaching until her, really appreciate it, if anything isn’t clear, leave a comment, ask me anything, I am more than happy to answer, and leave your email down below so I can send you every new update, Have a great day